Get Starter Bags
We are currently offering Starter Bags for free! Starter bags include a drawstring backpack, Gospel of John and a tract. To order bags please use the form below.
Before you order Starter Bags, please read and agree to the following requirements:
You will create and distribute the bags within the next 90 days. (Personally distribute, outreach ministry, homeless ministry, etc)
You will include food and basic necessities inside each bag before distribution. For a list of ideas, visit our What’s Inside a Bag page.
You will commit to pray for the people the bags are distributed to.
Include a small personal note or letter in each bag. Here is an example of a letter you can include
If you agree to the above requirements you can continue to the form below!
Note: If you will be stuffing & distributing bags through a pre-existing homeless ministry, please note that we generally don’t accept requests from homeless shelters, soup kitchens and ministries with physical locations. We generally aren’t able to meet the demand for the high volume that these locations require.