How to Get Your Church Involved

Churches have a truly awesome and sometimes daunting responsibility to share the Gospel.  We know by experience that it can be difficult to mobilize an entire Church to get involved in ministries like missions, feeding the homeless, and various outreaches.  Our prayer is that Agape Bags will be a way to get entire Churches involved... here's how:

Sample Event

There are a ton of different ways to approach an Agape Bags event for your Church but one of the easiest ways we've found is through an "Operation Christmas Child - Shoebox" style event. 

On a set Sunday, the Church can announce the event and people can take empty bags when they leave after service. They would go home fill the bags up and drop them back off at the Church by a set date. 

The Church would then gather up all the completed bags and distribute them as they see fit. Many Churches already have street outreaches or pre-existing homeless ministries where the bags can be used but if not, there are many shelters, ministries and missions that would gladly accept them for distribution.  

If your Church wants to run an event but needs help finding a distribution point, please contact us. We'd be happy to help. 

What we can provide: 

  • Video to explain Agape Bags during the announcement time.

  • List of items to include in the bags (suggested mandatory items & optional items to include)

  • Starter Bags (Drawstring bags, Gospel of John, Gospel Tract)

  • Assistance finding distribution points for the bags


Why Agape Bags Are Right For Your Church

  • Agape Bags are a way for the body of Christ to get involved in homeless ministry and in sharing the gospel in a low friction way. Anyone can fill up a bag with basic necessities. It's easy and non-threatening, which is what keeps so many people in the Church from getting involved in various other outreaches.

  • As people spend time putting these bags together, our hope is that they will become more personally invested in ministry. Our prayer is that not only will this bless the recipients of the bags, but that it will re-ignite a love and passion for the lost for the creators of the bags as well.

  • The great thing about Agape Bags is that they can touch a number of people with a very low investment of time, money and resources. We've found that people in the Church want to serve the poor but often don't know how to get started and are overwhelmed by the options. This is a great way for them to get their feet wet.